206 Obserwatorzy
22 Obserwuję

Malvin Gordon

Nie ma tu recenzji, piszę tylko o książkach, które w jakiś sposób są interesujące.

Co myśli człowiek, zanim usmażą go na krześle elektrycznym?

Uwielbiam dziwne rzeczy. A ta jest dziwna i straszna. Robert K. Elder zebrał ostatnie słowa amerykańskich skazańców. Sięgają samego źródła. Jest w nich strach (ten prawdziwy), nienawiść, pogarda, duma, odwaga i... poczucie humoru.


“I am no more a witch than you are a wizard, and if you take away my life, God will give you blood to drink.”
—Sarah Good, convicted of witchcraft, Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Executed July 19, 1692.


"Please don’t let me fall.’’
—Mary Surratt, convicted as a conspirator in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Hanged July 7, 1865.


“Well, I hope you are satisfied.”

—George Chew Wing, convicted of murder, electric chair, New York.
Executed June 10, 1937.


"I got my revenge and I am not sorry now and never will be... I’ve had enough of it, I want to die.”
— Barton Kay Kirkham, convicted of robbery and murder, hanging, Utah.
Executed June 7, 1958.


"Gents, this is an educational project. You are about to witness the damaging effect electricity has on Wood.’’
—Fredrick Wood, convicted of murdering five people. Executed by electric chair, March 21, 1963.


‘‘I’m still awake.’’
— Robyn Parks, convicted of murder. Executed by lethal injection, March 10, 1992. His last words were spoken after his execution injection had been administered. He was reinjected and died shortly after.


"Kiss my ass.’’
— John Wayne Gacy, aka ‘‘the Killer Clown’’, convicted of raping and murdering 33 boys. Executed by lethal injection, May 10, 1994.




Robert K. Elder, Last Words of the Executed, University Of Chicago Press (2010).